We've talked in this blog, and our 3 rd Communication arrive soon, the planned evacuation plan as a result of the change that must take place on this planet both geophysical and spiritual. At the end of any civilization always a program to repopulate the planet in the next, but we are in the last civilization, and many of the evacuated energy back to their home to their planet from where a day fell to execute its mission.
In this case will be the last evacuation plan to be carried out in Dimension III because the planet will pass through IV and this requires that transpire events and situations that many will like them and that others scary, but it should be.
The planet is headed towards a change that is unstoppable since his destiny is written. No human being to halt the physical, geological, social and spiritual envisaged taking place at breakneck speed and even though there are leaders who try to stop them, they can not because everything is coming to an end. There is going to change to IV dimension of the planet and it is unstoppable.
This situation ng is leading many to wonder where humans walk the planet, where we will go and will of its inhabitants.
At this us give you a hope and I communicate, despite the change of the maximum leaders of some religious philosophies, on the existence of heaven, hell and limbo ... and that for them is the fate of any "soul" which NI NO HEAVEN OR HELL.
This statement leads us to an immediate question:
So what comes after or where we go after a whole life here?
There planets light of varied and different vibration as well as of different sizes to accommodate energies that are taking the step size III to IV and from IV to V Dimension.
We said in our fourth National Communication Cosmic the DSS (Senior Management Sidereal - winged creatures) and OSS ( Superior organization Sidereal - GENIE SOLAR) are willing to host planets energy from planets of lower dimension to raise your vibration because it has reached when those energies that have exceeded their level of spirituality and thus will move from III to IV scale as in the case of our planet.
change is scheduled for the CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT to come in the wake of such high energies of vibration.
not get tired of saying that the present civilization are gradually undergoing a "change" to another model more spirituality and hence to the disappearance of matter that is prevailing in all planetary transitions .
going to be a very large screen to transport energies to their home planets from which one day came.
Efforts are give hope to all the inhabitants of this planet. It is trying to get them disappear fear not to go the same thing happened to Lemuria and Atlantis.
Certain religious philosophies proclaim the fear, terror, anguish, despair in order to maintain power, distributed and shared "the kingdom of heaven" among themselves to their faithful servants, as a reward for loyalty thereof.
But that is not well. All energies have a parcel in the "Kingdom" because all he from , the only difference is dimensional and vibrational level they have. And all the world powers always returning to where one day left.
Each energy dominates the dimension where you are and all down, that is, if a power is in fourth dimensional plane, and it dominates his III, II and I. Never dominate V, or VI and so on.
A clear example of this fact have in the first prophet of our present civilization named Enoch, which described his teleportation Beings of Light and his visits to planets of different vibrational levels. And the question we can do in this regard is why the visit was and whether they were of different vibrations?. I was supposed to have seen some, not all. But He saw it was the 1 st drop of Spiritual Teacher of Planet Earth, planets, describing the high vibration and low vibration. Planetarium Instructor simply because the plane belongs to the twelfth dimension and can see and dominate from XII to I dimension.
But Instructor not only low, low with his staff to communicate this great reality and conduct the entire process, including Evacuation Plan.
And this is what is happening at this moment on Earth and in others of the same characteristics, which is energy from XII to III Dimension who have declined to cooperate with the Instructor Spiritual Earth to teach and raise the mental level of the lowest energies of vibration and be prepared for his elevation to other higher levels. The step is not a life to another. It is going to teach the high energy and increasing their level of spirituality.
We show one of the many energies that are collaborating with us in this mission:

And with these energies, there are also Directors of other galaxies of our Nation Cosmic reincarnated in a material body and others in power, who volunteered, in the Council of 24, to assist in its mission to "Sent" Cosmic Nation is the Director of the Galaxy JJ and Spiritual Teacher Planet. This is down to his staff who have a physical body because it is the best way to adapt to this material world.
For example, on this planet in Dimension III belonging to the Galaxy JJ is the leader of the Galaxy Myotanh Ysamanh call, alone, without a partner to work directly with Therex and Silah who are the Directors of Galaxy JJ. The same applies to Maneh, who is the Director of the Galaxy Manihoica, also belonging to the Council of July 24 Joubiak. There are other leaders who are helping other galaxies which are energetically Theos, Director of the Galaxy Octhos, which is at the Shambhala Mountain - Light that is located inside the planet in the foothills of the Himalayas, K. Myndh, Director of the Galaxy Beoh and, finally, Kumanh and Kemanh, Directors of the Galaxy Kunhar.
frames that you presented below is the model of the City of Light of Shambhala provided to us on August 25, 1979. And his symbol that gave them twice, one silver and one gold, and on different dates. If you observe is a staff that surrounds the letter "S" Shambala. Well this is the staff Vril sought both Hitler and never found. This symbol is also very similar to medicine, which is a bar that wraps a snake.

MODEL OF SHAMBALA. Donated the August 25, 1979.
March 14, 1986
April 6, 1991
planets are restricted to light as many humans will never be able to access, nor know, nor reach them. Everything depends on the vibrational level that is in every being or energy.
There are millions of invisible planets are very close to us who do not have access the vibrational frequency difference between them and us. Only a few humans can visualize.
There are many Beings of Light are attached to us who can not see and that we deal with the Light. They are invisible to our vision of scale III, but between them if they look. They have a different vibe to ours. They are Beings of Light and very powerful energy that protect us, move us and we do not realize they are there. But it is true that sometimes perceive our own energy, but not see them.
If you go a of Cities - Plan for Higher Vibrational Light would blind us to our vision, as though we are also energy as they, we had to lower our vibration to get into this case which is our body material physical and to be able to adapt to the planet of Dimension III where we are acting now.
And the road that will keep our planet and many of its inhabitants is the way to fourth dimensional plane. In Fourth Dimension beings are semi fluid and other vibration characteristics different from ours. If a being of those who populate this planet IV happen to size, would have almost the same figure but more fluid, semitransparent, with other mental characteristics and above all, a surprising level of spirituality is what really dominated from V dimension.
And until V dimension is the dimensional changes in the material plane.
Within each level or dimension is infinite degrees and there is no exit. Do not step from one dimension to another, but that amounts only and exclusively within the same plane.
must be taken into account the law of the energies of the different vibrational levels when he says: "The ever created will be like his creante" since this leads to higher planes created two and never will if your creante not diminish its vibration tune with your set and want to tell how many situations it will evolve in meaning and spiritual energy.
Since long ago one of the autographs that I like to put in any of my books or writings is that of : "Learn to look at the stars."
When we look at the stars, look at our home in light of where we come from, so when we look, we draw on the light given off. Each star is a living space and all the energies found in one of them have the same dimension and vibration.
addition to being habitable planets of Higher Dimensional drawings, soles can also be created by the first Genius Solar creating Joubiak July, Math. The soles are sources of energy and light.
But it can also happen to be looking at the stars see a point that vibrates, not is a star but a group of friends of High Energy Plans that have banded together to visit us and greet us when we look at making some moves to warn of their presence.
planets inhabited by beings of light have the same dimension vibration and its residents that can go from V to XII Dimension.
Planets IV dimension have a special light they are ready to be inhabited by beings who are in an intermediate state between matter and light. These planets themselves do not evolve, they evolve their residents when they also increase the vibration. They are intended to locate those energies semi fluid which in turn take the leap to V Dimension. They are high school to take that giant leap into the Light, to get rid of the material that remains, transformed into pure light and become GREAT MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE as this qualifies them Energies from Dimension V, because is Pure Energy. They are responsible, among other things, to "clean up" the energies that have dropped the material physical body on this planet and others who may have the same features and come to the Colonies Spirits Spiritual or hospitals, as mentioned 4 th communication in our Nation Cosmic, and so return to their home planet with their energy decontaminated coarse particles that may have to take on their way through a planet of low vibration.
Energy Not all left their physical bodies are material to the same place or at the same planet. Each one goes to his provenance but is different in another galaxy.
I've always said that all the Universe or Cosmic Nations are mental. They are pure energy.
There are many authors through writing or film have been passed and announcing that back home. So in the movie ET the star said looking at the stars and connecting with them: "... My house, my phone ...."
Heinrich Heine said: "... If you want to travel to the stars do not look for company ...."
Facundo Cabral gives a clear answer: "From the cradle to the grave is a school, which is why what you call problems are lessons. Did not lose anyone. Who died, just ahead of us, because we all go there. And, best him, love is in your heart ... "There is no death ... there move. On the other side waiting for you wonderful people. "
Australian Aboriginal There is a saying that reads: "" We all visit at this time and place. We're just passing through. We have come to observe, learn, grow, love and go home. "
THEY hug and smile at us from a distance but can not see. They let us look through the eyes of the mind or spirit as everything is mental when we leave to our house and we met them, we will not be strangers.
Many have asked me by letter, word, by the network to explain where we go after our stay in this p LaNeta. To them I dedicate this information .
José María.
AM 0h 21m of March 21, 2008.
Spring Equinox.