The texts and legends of the great religions set is used the term " Beings of Light" to describe luminous entities had reported that many viewers do, through all time. These entities have been interpreted as angels, God, Demiurgos ... all of which are just that: interpretations. The
Light Beings who made these visits to those called seers and prophets are the same people who are demonstrating today. For the first time in human history are revealing in this graph paper available, so the public can get a glimpse of light and can access if they choose, to that other great reality that we are teaching and that we expected, only a step.
To do this, we have been familiar with these Beings of Light it is precisely because it is totally identified with the energy. Not so with the matter (and a part of us is energy even if invisible). This allows them to move at will with his thought-Energy and adopt, if they so wish, in any form, anywhere and at any given time.
What can it mean all this?
photographic documents listed below contain information on the origin of these Beings of Light, in addition to other information and methodologies that we are almost impossible to explain briefly. But are there for everyone. For those who want to contemplate in their study. We also invite you to look beyond this world we know now turn our attention to higher dimensions and sublime.
The Light Beings are created by other Beings of Light in a descending order of creation. Everything originates in the Maximum Energy Light Source from which they emanate, only twelve energies much higher than create and manage each of the twelve existing Cosmic Nations throughout the universe. these energies, which we call Elyon or Heliohim (Hebrew Elohim, a term used in the Bible to call the "Gods") directly create a certain number of beings of light, namely 336 Energy, they are, in turn, Creantes .
In the fields of higher vibration, non-dimensional, are the geniuses Solar 12. Beings of Light are Purisima that, in turn, create other beings to twelfth dimension and are responsible for the Superior Sidereal Organization (HMO) . One of these exercises Genius Solar Power in our Nation Cosmic and specifically in our Galaxy, coordinating, in turn, the tasks associated with the Evacuation Plan. This Highest Being of Light Vibration, we are talking, we were told for the first time in 1977. Later we were gathering information and documentation about other photographic geniuses Solares. One of THEM regulates the Cosmic Law of Spirituality. Other Particle-Energy Cosmic Justice, the Cities of Light, Spiritual Colonies ... THEY
with its brightness, are the most senior to ensure implementation of all programs of our Nation Cosmic for all galaxies , planets and corresponding dimensions.
Between Solar created the Genii are the technical Siderales . They are Beings of Light Dimension XII whose sole mission is the creation and design of genetic codes implanted in our "case material" for the development and evolution of energy . Sometimes they can be observed in the frames "working" with a "mittens" bright energy, while resting on something like a belt. Other Beings of Light, Dimension XII also created by Geniuses Solares, direct or guide some of the so-called Spiritual Colonies.
The following beings of light that creates a Heliohim are called Winged Beings also are twelve. These luminous beings High Vibration belonging to a non-dimensional field, such as solar Geniuses are in charge of the Senior Management Sidereal (DSS), and are responsible, among other things, to control and guide the energies Lots created by the Genii . One of these beings is responsible for command and control four elements of nature on our planet Earth.
already in the field of dimensions, each creates Heliohim 24 couples who form the Council of 24 288 Energy and more to control the 12 dimensional planes of the 24 galaxies, which are each Cosmic Nations in the Universe.
As data tell them that if they add the 24 couples who are 48 Energy, Council of 24 over the 288 along with the 12 and 12 solar Genius Winged Ones are a total of 336 energy or Beings of Light that is all you create each Heliohim.
Each of the 24 Council is established by their respective Dimension XII Heliohim. As mentioned above, consists of 24 couples and each directed one of the 24 Galaxies forming a National Cosmic . All information received in all planets, on Knowledge and Elevation of Energy comes under the supervision of the Council .
These Beings of Light are responsible for getting the information they need, for example, people and energy working with them on this planet by promoting its development. Many of these beings, we are acting directly on this planet helping their Dimension IV step by coming to us, even from other galaxies (bearing in mind that a galaxy capitalized, not what is intended here as explained in our books).
As we have understood over the years, we are encouraged to thank THEM for everything. For providing us this information for more than thirty years. For giving us the privilege of seeing them and for allowing us to engrave in our cameras, at times, like gleaming golden symbols. But above all, because of the Luminous Beings Council of the 24 have been passed and proclaimed the Planetary Hope for all universes.
happens when the massive presence of these Light Beings always something. We announce a profound change in our crumbling civilization and they always do, alerting it to its lights and messages of hope.
Open the eyes of his mind. Let yourself do it without prejudice and accompanied by them. Listen to what you say inside and intimate connection with the infinite. These photographs, full-text documents without retouch or manipulate, not just pictures of light produced by the movement of the camera, as many think, but they are real doors that can extend the vision to other worlds and realities. Reflect, read a lot and enjoy. Now you can watch these new dimensions that lie ahead with these Masters Thinking they are the Beings of Light.
And we insist that the massive presence of these Beings of Light is becoming clear that many people on this planet are capturing with digital cameras these Beings of Light, without themselves knowing what they are seeing in those pictures (and not trick) from which you can do many interpretations. Our opponents think they are blurring, but they know who would record their energies, thus reaffirming the 1 st cosmic law that says "DRAWS LIGHT LIGHT ENERGY AND ENERGY TO ATTRACT" .
Think a bit about above and ask yourself the question: Is 1 st Cosmic Energy Act has something to do with the 1 st Commandment, which was written in the Bible: "Love God above all things?"
We just are going to give a little hint and tell them both at the time of Moses as partners today were the same, hence we want to close this presentation and corroborating the words written and spoken by Beings of Light have fallen in other civilizations and times and who said: "At the end of time all the great secrets will be revealed" . And this document with its pictures is one of those great secrets.