The fear is public speaking (MHP), is a common fear. Approximately 20 to 30% of students report this university. On the other hand act or speak in public is considered as one of the most difficult social situations. Moreover, the vast majority of social phobia sufferers, but only 2% of people with MHP as a result of that experience enough interference in their social functioning, occupational, or academic, to receive a diagnosis of social phobia. However
a subject with difficulty speaking in public (DHP) in the present moment does not suffer significant setbacks because of the same and does nothing about it can be found with the emergence or worsening of these adversities in a more or less next to change their circumstances.
What is meant by DHP?. This term may indicate the existence of MHP, a shortage of skills in public speaking or both. Fear or anxiety is conceived as a summary label that involves three components and response systems (cognitive, motor and physiological) that interact with each other, but need not correlate in a way high. The appearance of these components is induced by external stimuli (socio-environmental) and internal (cognitive and physiological).
Within the cognitive system includes the name of the problem in terms of fear, anxiety or restlessness, and the anticipation of negative consequences (getting stuck, ridicule, put red, trembling voice, etc.) oppositional assessment of the situation, etc. In the motor system can be considered both escape and avoidance behaviors such as perturbations in the activity (grimacing, tremor, voice, stuttering, lack of eye contact, monotone voice). Finally, the system can distinguish physiological changes in autonomic (palpitations, sweating, tachycardia, etc.) And somatic (tremor, high muscle tension, breathing hard).
As the skills required to speak in public, are cognitive (talk structure, adequacy of time preparing the talk without taking into account the interests of the audience, etc.) and motor (verbal content as speed, fluency, intonation and other vocal aspects nonverbal gaze, gestures, etc.).
The interview is one of the fundamental procedures used with individuals who seek clinical help, although their use may not be necessary when standard offer programs aimed at addressing the DHP. They should obtain information on the following aspects: cognitive problem behavior (ie ridiculous expectations) motor (eg, locks) and autonomic (eg, palpitations), including its intensity, frequency and / or duration, conditions that increase or reduce DHP (eg number and status of audience), antecedents and consequences (external and internal) problem behaviors, organismic variables or characteristics that can influence these behaviors (eg social anxiety), interference of DHP in social, academic and / or employment of the subject, history of the problem, attempts to overcome the DHP and results achieved, motivation, expectations and objectives of the subject, and resources and limitations.
Questionnaires and self-reports are
the second procedure in use and there are two types: those that provide
First retrospective information on public speaking fear has are:
- The personal report of confidence as a speaker of Paul (the most used)
- Inventory features of public speaking fear has Lamb
- Anxiety Inventory Endler ER, with greater situational specificity and response. Second
- autonomic perception questionnaire Mandler. Measures the extent to which bodily reactions are experienced. Inventory
- state of fear of public speaking Lamp. Differential
- Husek anxiety. Evaluates situational fear and a less direct and more difficult to forge
- Walk fear thermometer. Scale of 1 to 10 on the Inventory
- fear anxiety of Spielberg. Technical
- listing Cacioppo thoughts. List thoughts before, during and after the talk and evaluate them as positive, negative or neutral.
- Ask the subject to rate on a scale of 0 to 10 or from 1 to 10 their performance during the intervention in public. Auto-
A third method useful for gathering data to guide the progress of treatment. It asks the subject to attempt in their natural environment few public speeches and write, for example, the following information: date, description of the location, type of intervention, duration, level of anxiety before, during and after thoughts feared , as might be improved, etc.
In a self-registration, would be useful if any of these situations was an acquaintance of the person who could write that the above information that was accessible to external observation, and even more detailed aspects of the action at the verbal, vocal and nonverbal.
Another possibility is the use of trained observers and even video recording and minimagnetófono by the subject himself, the latter is a worthy option to consider and easy to perform.
observational measures of possible outcomes, it is desirable that the subject or attempt to give a talk to 5 or 10 minutes on a topic previously assigned to a group of people and answer a few questions. This can be videotaped.
of observational measures are available, some are objective and others involve the classification by Likert scales.
The objective requires the use of trained observers, and among the most used are:
- Behavioral Checklist for Performance Anxiety (Paul) lists 20 alleged anxiety symptoms that are recorded at intervals and 30 seconds.
- list of appropriate behaviors to the beginning and end of the talk (Fawcett and Miller). Which includes the look and express reference to the public at the beginning and end of the conversation, the topic of this statement, forward the plan and summary of the talk.
- type ah speech disturbances, uh, uh (Mahl) Percent
- talk time that the subject remains silent.
- Qualification of vocal and volume, intonation, fluency.
- nonverbal aspects Rating Rating
- verbal aspects such as concrete, interest, organization. Overall Rating
- performance overall rating
- manifest anxiety.
- A final instrument rating is the Behavioral Assessment of Anxiety to Talk (Mulac and Sherman), which contains 17 expressions of anxiety and an overall estimate of the anxiety.
are not used in clinical practice. The heart rate, the level of skin conductance and digital sweating were the most employees. A measure that can be taken discreetly is the electrocardiogram recorded in a small paper and digital sweat rate by a small band placed around the index finger.
Effectiveness of behavioral intervention
More than 30 interventions for the DHPs have been investigated, the conclusions can be drawn:
is important to tailor the intervention to the subject's needs.
In people with MHP is manifested mainly at the somatic level, the control of breathing or relaxation will probably be more effective than cognitive restructuring, while the opposite will occur in people with cognitive MHP. It is also assumed to require different interventions depending on whether the problem is to anxiety, lack of skills or a combination of both. Anyway
in any of these three cases the practice of public speaking seems to be an important, if not essential.
symbolic modeling, false attribution, systematic rational restructuring, covert assertion, the thought stopping and covert positive reinforcement have NOT been shown to be effective.
self-desensitization, progressive relaxation, relaxation provoked by signal, anxiety management training, relief anxiety, meditation or visualization (experiment covert talks to calm and competent manner) have been effective only in self-report measures.
The systematic desensitization therapy implosion respiratory relief and measures have been effective in self-report and observational.
rational-emotive therapy and self-instructional training has been shown superior in self-report measures and generalization but unsystematically.
self-instructional training applied to real situations and stress inoculation have turned out better on measures of self-report and thus not consistent in observational means.
systematic desensitization individual is superior to no treatment in measures of self-report and observational, but it is unclear who is in physiological measures and generalization.
graded imaginal exposure has been better on measures of self-report and observational, although available data are inconsistent. Imaginal
version of a technique (eg flood) has been less than its live version.
The relaxation applied in real practice in public speaking and training in public speaking have shown higher in measures of self-report and observation.
In general, interventions that have been most effective have been those that combine various techniques to address two or more of the three realities of response (cognitive, motor, autonomic). The MHP and even improve public speaking skills. The techniques used in different combinations have been basically training in public speaking, relaxation, self-instructional training, practice in vivo, imaginal exposure and systematic desensitization. However, treatments are not always more components have been most effective. It is likely that this negative effect, which has persisted in the follow-ups, has been due to insufficient time for intervention. The latest work
Bados and Saldana, using three basic treatments - cognitive therapy applied (RCA), applied relaxation (AR), and training in public speaking (EHP). Both EHP and RA increased the efficiency of the RCA when combined individually with this, however, the addition of both components together to RCA led to worse results compared to when he said one of them. Description
an intervention procedure
intervention for this group was combined cognitive restructuring implemented in public speaking situations gradually more difficult and training in public speaking.
In total there were ten sessions a week, about two hours, the summary is in the following table.
1 - Conceptualization of DHP - Setting goals - Rationale and description | intervention - Imagine public speaking situations and identify thoughts associated | |
2 | - Review of intersessional activities (This is done in all sessions) - Cognitive restructuring of negative thoughts identified | - identify thoughts associated with public speaking situations - Restructure written three thoughts |
3 | - Cognitive restructuring of negative thoughts | identified- restructure negative thoughts in writing so far identified |
4 - Identification four phases in a situation of public speaking (preparation, coping with critical moments reflection) - It provides examples of positive thoughts to each phase - Individuals develop their own list of positive thoughts | - complete list positive thoughts and try to assimilate | |
5 - Implementation of the restructuring in situations of speaking in front of the group | - Implement the restructuring situations, both public speaking and everyday life | |
6 | - Implementation of the restructuring - Training in look and gesture | - Implement the restructuring - Practice in public speaking situations behavioral aspects trained |
7 - Implementation of the restructuring - Training: a) volume and / or intonation b) flow and / or speed | - Implement the restructuring - Practice trained behavioral aspects | |
8 - Implementation of the restructuring - Training in organization and content of talk | - Implement the restructuring - Practice trained behavioral aspects | |
9 - Implementation of the restructuring - Training in quasi-improvisation and improvisation of brief interventions | public - Implement the restructuring - Practice trained behavioral aspects | |
10 | - Implementation of the restructuring - Talk review of all aspects trained and response two questions from the audience. - Exploitation of possible future difficulties after the surgery and way of coping | - Implement the restructuring - Practice trained behavioral aspects |
In the first session were conceptualized deficiencies in public speaking, be described intervention to follow, realistic expectations were induced improvement and was homework.
The second session as all the other begins with a review between the activities between sessions, then the thoughts are conceptualized identified as assumptions rather than facts and goes on to discuss the validity and usefulness of at least one of those negative thoughts with the help of questions from coaches and other subjects (Socratic method). The questions fall into three categories:
assess the validity of the thoughts (eg What is the evidence for or against this thought?).
evaluate the usefulness of the thoughts (eg Do you support this thinking to achieve your goals?, Is it good or hinders you?, "Feeling better?, If things are so can you do something to change?.
Identify additional thoughts Is that bad?, why are you so upset?.
After the discussion of a thought, the subject was aloud a summary of the restructuring of the same and received feedback and reinforcement. For homework between sessions, the subjects had to continue to identify thoughts and asked to restructure writing three of his thoughts.
The third session is identical to the second, changing as homework between sessions, written restructuring maladaptive thoughts thus far identified. The fourth session
distinguished four phases in a situation of public speaking, and gave a list of positive thoughts for each phase; subsequently developed their own list of positive thoughts. The task at session consisted of completing his own list of positive thoughts and try to assimilate.
In the six remaining sessions, subjects applied in different situations restructuring of public speaking graduates in difficult both within the training group and outside it. The implementation of the restructuring was modeled by coaches at the fifth session and included the following steps by each subject before the group:
- emotional verbalization of one or more positive thoughts, which was loud in meetings fifth and sixth and covertly in other areas. Report
- level of concern and possible restructuring identified negative thoughts. Making
- practice for public speaking.
- report past the level of concern and whether anxiety had decreased as a result of implementing the restructuring.
Then the subject returns to repeat the conversation to improve or enhance the implementation of the restructuring. At the end of the fifth session subjects were told they could begin to implement restructuring in various situations of everyday life, starting with those that were only mildly or moderately disturbing to facilitate generalization.
On the other side in each of the five sessions had to make one or two questions or comments to a greater or lesser extent in class. After each intervention, should complete a self-registration which included the following headings: date, description of the situation, initial level of anxiety, negative thoughts and degree of belief in them, restructuring and degree of belief in the new thoughts, improvements to be made in the restructuring and subsequent level of anxiety after the restructuring. As for training
speaking in public begins to apply from the sixth session. Home after reading instructions regarding the look and gestures. After the discussion one of the coaches went on to demonstrate a competent and incompetent behavior both on the appearance look and gestures.
Then each subject gave a talk to the group trying to use the relevant aspects and then received feedback and reinforcement. After this the subject turned to repeat the talk in order to improve the behavioral aspects.
aspects trained at the seventh session were volume, intonation, fluency and speed.
The eighth session was devoted to the organization and content of the talk.
The ninth session of the quasi-improvisation and improvisation of brief interventions in public. At the last meeting were reviewed aspects trained, practiced responding to a couple of audience questions and learned to handle situations where a fraction of the audience paid little attention. And to explore the subjects' reactions to possible setbacks.
intervention here could be supplemented by relaxation training in cases where useful, but would require longer treatment.
Typically the MHP treatment is to maintain the results, although they may not be the case if, after completion of the training, practice public speaking or underpaid. Another way of intensifying
greater reductions in measures of fear and somatic activation would enhance the number of times outside the group and to diversify, so that the subject practiced in natural conditions were varying in aspects such as size and composition of the audience and the type of activity performed.
Another question is whether cognitive restructuring is necessary or would achieve the same effect with a simpler procedure such as cognitive training self, which does not includes the Socratic method. Since then, the use of self-instruction may be sufficient, although the evidence is contradictory.
Relaxation training but favors a decrease in anxiety, it is most useful in cases where the MHP has somatic components.
Finally we asked if training in public speaking brings something more to the simple practice of speaking in public or well enough with this last?. The results indicate that such training is possible to achieve a major shift in observational measures of performance anxiety and public speaking, compared to the mere exposure of public speaking or not combined with cognitive restructuring.
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