Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bottomless Women Playing Sport


ALL ANCIENT TEXTS OF THE VEDAS, Hindu and great thinkers philosophers like Socrates, Plato and many others MAXIMUM GOVERNED BY THE "KNOW YOURSELF AND THEN WELL KNOWN TO OTHERS"




IS WRITTEN: Two thousand years ago YOU \u200b\u200bWERE ASKED TO OUR SENT JESUS \u200b\u200bOF GALILEE OF THIS KIND: "MAESTRO WHAT AFTER DEATH? O WHAT SHOULD I DO TO eternal life? " Marcos 10.17

THE SPIRITUAL INSTRUCTOR, AT THAT TIME JESUS \u200b\u200bOF GALILEE, THOSE QUESTIONS ANSWERED IN A SENSE TIGHT, BUT THE TEXTS OS forwarded were misrepresented. RESPONSES TO OS teachings were not precise, squared OUR LITTLE logical reason for that was THE SOLUTION TO YOUR INSTRUCTOR THE GLOBAL WINE you to communicate at that time.



reading this message JULY JOUBIAK has led us to create this resource. Replying to a colloquial way, the questions most frequently done by the readers. Not meant to address all issues related to the topic, they are enormous. But it opens doors that aerate the room and offers some of the pieces that complete the "puzzle of mind."

Thanks to these questions can be summarized some aspects of knowledge that can guide the researcher to cross those doors with ease and protection of truth but this is not always what we expect to hear. What is written here is what we have seen in our meetings, in the graphic and what we could ascertain through the logical reason.

1 - Why are these beings are not shown more clearly in the frames?


Although each picture means to us an unforgettable experience, not a souvenir. Are donated in very concrete, very specific people and for something in particular. They insist that there is a "hobby" but a field and a long and arduous task of research. With time and study some people say, very sensitive and related to these beings have managed to decipher the information they want at all times to know. Images which otherwise would give rise to faulty interpretations, become part of a material dimension and Them are pure light.

2 - Why not become apparent political or religious authorities to give his message?

not we echo it, but may manifest itself in some individuals involved in these powers. Either way the world authorities are aware of the phenomenon and, like us, know that social changes are less traumatic when it happens gradually. For this to be so significant is the change of consciousness and occurs within each person at their own pace of evolution. Moreover, if an institution recognized in reliable public presence of these beings, would collapse immediately some other established power structures and that certainly does not concern to all. (At the time of writing the news comes the declassification of secret files, by the Danish Government and the United Kingdom, linked to extraterrestrial life. Observe closely. The chance does not exist)

3 - Why not go on television or other media?

The answer is similar to the previous. The interest in public might raise the official news if it came on television would end, perhaps, contests, ads and programs to the heart! A media chaos that no manager or employer would assume.

4 - If these luminous beings are positive and powerful Why not do something to prevent wars, famine, etc..?

always draws more attention for being outrageous evil and inhuman, while of men. Every little gesture, every flower that opens on the road, it encourages the world in silence. We monuments to mass murderers when they win their battles or even wise temples, prophets and doctors of dubious size and origin. A Being of Light and infinitely intense work in the service of others but makes no noise and hardly seen. It is we who can open our eyes and ears to hear mental and the Symphony of the Universe in the midst of devastation. It is the negativity of the human being responsible for their own evil. And yet, always helping us.

5 - How are the planets inhabited? Are there trees, animals, plants?

Almost all beings who visit us and have come out in the frame his home planet. Also human beings because, as explained in our books, nobody on this planet is here. These home planets have their own morphology for animals, plants and other beings who inhabit it. The planets are different in each dimension but may share similar characteristics such as having trees, seas, etc.

6 - Vds. show how all this is true?

Normally, when judging the truth about something, are identified and discarded the parts that are false and true checked. This is a task that although we do, not incumbent upon us as the information we receive is always the best source. Our mission is to bear witness to all that is communicating through texts and photographic records are displayed. Anyone is free to investigate, verify and if you can refute what is being communicated. No one is asked to believe. It is too puerile to say that this is a lie without checking properly. That if those who work in the Light, no one deceives you, neither up nor down.

7 - In one of his articles in the blogs are saying that AIDS is "divine punishment or plague" Why? Is it true of all diseases?

This controversial topic is explained in the context of the books, in which is said to ourselves that we impose, call it "punishment" for a purpose, typically, evolutionary. Also some pandemics have to do with the massive Transmigration Beings. Indeed, in some cases, is related to the Evacuation Plan. In any case it is a "pest" to be an epidemic. "Punishment" because there is no party and "divine" because we are talking, in this case, as we understand, a virus designed by High Planes Vibrational Beings with a very specific purpose which we have mentioned some. Any ailment can get, certainly in transition and from this point of view any deadly disease is an escape in this illusory dimension. But when he believes only in death are often wary of Life.

8 - Is this a path that can reach God?

Some groups and schools, linked to the "alien" say yes and tear their clothes when we tell them NO. You can reach the highest level within the plane that has been created. At that highest level of that dimension, is a teacher but, KNOWLEDGE THE BODY only have their creations or children directly. Look what they seem, this is an act of boundless generosity. You can find information with this idea, in some texts of the Qabalah.

9 - "God created us both" good "and" bad "? Did God create the world?

The questions often raise more questions and so would never end. Everyone can develop and find the information you need, it is there. "When the disciple is ready the teacher appears." Reasoned Logic tells us that God created this world. Not come from the same site. We are not "equal" in the eyes of God as claimed by other schools. The Universe is of "Mental" and our dimension contains only a fraction of real Being who we are. However we come from different worlds and different degrees of reality in different dimensions. In this world there is NO ONE CREATED BY GOD but do not want hurt feelings and everyone that thinks for itself. Surely God is neither so cheap nor so narcissistic as to create a single and only person with whom we all. Though cosmic laws are immutable for all universes.

10 - Do I need books (published Vds.) to see these Beings?

No. There are thousands of people connected with all this without knowing that there are books. But if you know there would not hurt to at least read them completely and then we'll see what happens.

11 - Is there some technique to provide them?

By practicing certain disciplines (meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, etc.) May have an occasional glimpse of these dimensions and even some sporadic contact with beings from other planes. However, no body-mind to take no technique for this purpose. We want sanity and not "Freak" with "the awesome" it all is. The joy and understanding that can give meditation, for example, rests in his own practice, not now get extra benefits or pursue dreams and fantasies. Objectives which may be a subconscious maneuver to hide some aspect of the lower self indulgent.

12 - Are Angels?

As with the questions relating to God the answer to this question often causes controversy, so if the question makes a believer or not. If we say that there are giving incorrect information and if we not available, some people may feel threatened their belief system. Thought is the only divine source that has the human being is respected.

Our answer is that there are beings to which we, winged beings called by its origin and particular form of expression with a kind of "wings" energy. But they are not angels. Neither wings nor feathers, nor archangels, and cherubim, or anything, (even if great painters of the pen). Is another system. All current texts (which have reached us) dedicated to suffer from Angelology reasonable logic and even some with good intentions will certainly not provide any documentary evidence, basing everything on faith. "If have faith you can understand and reach this level, "some say simplistic How very sad ... And how inconsistent! If you do not believe in these people because you have evidence of something higher or greater than what they say, these angeólogistas , paranoicoesquizoides as good and holy you take of the accursed heretic What horror! Creepy! do the same or worse than the inquisitors of old!.

When an event is any body, wings, or is in spacecraft is that dimension is very low and in this case, category, very handsome or beautiful than the messenger or angel above. So watch sects and cliques, circulating everywhere. We say this because we are "old fox" and also know how to do tricks. We know the Scenes at the scene "mystical", but not organized and do not sell anybody "spiritual goats." It is not arrogance on our part, but the most humble expression of sincerity in the form of warning. It may be that some people find comfort young minds to believe in angels and there is nothing wrong with that but can evolve into forms of thought most complete, accurate and even more comforting Which would you prefer to give them the reason for leaving them in ignorance or On the contrary, they open up the channels to the light? What would be so friendly?

13 - say in the books that our reality is "an optical illusion-sensory" (Myndh) Are other dimensions also "unrealistic"?

Our universe of third dimension is "unrealistic" to the extent that it is not complete, ie, it is not all there and not creative. Just what we call the Absolute Field and higher dimensions are creative and real.

14 - Where do we go from here? "We all came from the same site?

later expand these issues. At the moment, so you know, after each energy here is going to his home planet, it does not come all the same site and one is from Earth.

15 - Where do we come?

"The energy of every human being, comes from the planet in a given galaxy, size, and luminosity vibrational level"



16 - What are we doing here?

"evolve and meet level III material dimension that is dominant on this planet called Earth Transition" JULY


17 - In his book "Cosmic Nation" predicted the appointment of Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI with a year in advance Vds. How could they know before that the Caucus? .

This information and said in our 2 nd book, "Fear not, the chapter of Civilization, that would be the next Pope Benedict XVI and ran in 1986. We mentioned before, you always get accurate information to what we have to publish. The way to collect this information is the study, research and be very alert because these beings manage to send it to us in any way imaginable, whether through historical documentation of timely information provided by others, in times of emergency, inductions mental and telepathic contacts with visual documentation we recorded during their visits. None of "altered states of consciousness", or astral travel, and ceremony. While it is true that the state "supernatural" (ie, very, very natural) that we capture their information messages is something that could be called, peace, serenity and perhaps a sparkling and silent state of expectation.

18 - His books as an item in your blog, speak of "Evacuation Plan" which will massively this planet a very specific number of people. If that's true where do they go? And what about those who stay? What if I want to go and not taking me?.

Perhaps this is the question most readers are assiduously. It would be rare for someone to ask these questions and do not connect before or after the Evacuation Plan. Energy Beings or who will go to the Colonies by Spiritual Light Street will, in time, a distinctive symbol on its energy. These beings are the highest vibration that inhabit this planet today. The collaborators will then regroup to Shambala in their respective planets or their next mission. The rest, well below the size, will stay to continue what is a planet in the third dimension as the Earth will suffer, is now underway, a shift to fourth dimension will be populated with new residents with a more subtle morphological and energy.

19 - What if after thinking about all this is that a lie?

This is a very good question, but no such risk. The danger may be precisely the opposite. In what is real and therefore is a very powerful device which can psychologically unbalanced who has not grown enough mentally. It is necessary to emphasize that this path is not a pastime. Is Warrior of Light with an unswerving purpose, where "not give in to anything or anyone."

We leave you with a verse from Campoamor:

... In this treacherous world

nothing is true, no lie.

Everything is in the eye

the eye of the beholder.

And we can change the glass, added humbly.