failure of the process of access to lexical meaning to interpret sentences and statements:
processes of lexical access are necessary but insufficient to understand meaning of words. It is also necessary to organize the individual lexical meanings in complex units (sentences) and analyze / interpret these sentences that let you transmit communications.
processes of lexical access are necessary but insufficient to understand meaning of words. It is also necessary to organize the individual lexical meanings in complex units (sentences) and analyze / interpret these sentences that let you transmit communications.
need other types of knowledge, specifically: grammatical structure, plot or thematic roles and knowledge of the world:
in sentence comprehension (CO) is necessary to use knowledge and strategies that go beyond the mere combination of individual lexical meanings. Require the analysis of message structure (syntax), arguments, or thematic roles, and knowledge of the world.
in sentence comprehension (CO) is necessary to use knowledge and strategies that go beyond the mere combination of individual lexical meanings. Require the analysis of message structure (syntax), arguments, or thematic roles, and knowledge of the world.
Problems posed by the relationship between the process of analysis of sentence structure and thematic role assignment or argument:
refers to the determination of the relationship between them (structural analysis and mapping thematic roles), the degree of autonomy among these processes.
refers to the determination of the relationship between them (structural analysis and mapping thematic roles), the degree of autonomy among these processes.
role of pragmatic component in this process:
The meaning of verbal messages is not limited to the semantic or propositional representation, but includes also a pragmatic or communicative component. This is evident in the illocutionary force of the statement (in the capacity of language to express and convey, beyond the immediate content of beliefs, attitudes and expectations of the speaker to his interlocutor).
The meaning of verbal messages is not limited to the semantic or propositional representation, but includes also a pragmatic or communicative component. This is evident in the illocutionary force of the statement (in the capacity of language to express and convey, beyond the immediate content of beliefs, attitudes and expectations of the speaker to his interlocutor).
literal meaning versus indirect or direct or implied:
If for understand the meaning of the messages is necessary to derive syntactic and semantic structures to gain a thorough understanding of them is to transcend its literal meaning and discover the indirect sense hiding behind it (which is the most important).
If for understand the meaning of the messages is necessary to derive syntactic and semantic structures to gain a thorough understanding of them is to transcend its literal meaning and discover the indirect sense hiding behind it (which is the most important).
Concept of strategies / action routine cognitive linguistics. Constraints under which they operate:
Refers to the understanding that it is necessary to be effective speaker and listener share and a common linguistic code (grammar), a series of extra-linguistic knowledge related to speech, to the situation and states mental the speaker.
Refers to the understanding that it is necessary to be effective speaker and listener share and a common linguistic code (grammar), a series of extra-linguistic knowledge related to speech, to the situation and states mental the speaker.
processes: parsing and semantic interpretation. Definition of each in that cognitive processes:
parsing or parsing, is a cognitive process of assigning a constituent structure to prayer. It is therefore necessary to establish the structural relationships between words and between other sentence constituents broader (phrases).
Semantic analysis: cognitive process that assigns to each phrase semantic role and these roles are organized around the predicate that defines the structure of the message semantics (propositional representation of the statement).
Problems raised by the definition of processes (parsing and semantic) as the independent cognitive processes:
Refers to the assumption that the process of assigning sentence structure (parsing) are autonomous with respect to semantic interpretation ( semantic processing) in language comprehension. Thus, Schank in conceptual dependency theory rejects the use of syntactic knowledge, semantic representation for enough. Instead Marslen Wilson et al., Proposed dependency models where the processes of semantic analysis to reach decisions conditional parser for understanding.
Refers to the assumption that the process of assigning sentence structure (parsing) are autonomous with respect to semantic interpretation ( semantic processing) in language comprehension. Thus, Schank in conceptual dependency theory rejects the use of syntactic knowledge, semantic representation for enough. Instead Marslen Wilson et al., Proposed dependency models where the processes of semantic analysis to reach decisions conditional parser for understanding.
Main components of processing in sentence comprehension. What each one of them, how each other operates, which raises theoretical issues and know how to generate examples: Segmentation
input representation (sequence of lexical items) in structural units that determine the borders (border-unit clause language organized around a verb and a predicate, and border Phrase-constitutional language that represents the maximum projection of a core-) between the units and group words that belong to each unit. Assigning roles
structural (syntactic tags) is segmented linguistic constituents recognize the grammatical category of lexical items that constitute nuclei of phrase, in order to establish their identity (name in the SN, SV verb, etc. .) This allows us to identify the role of each constituent in the sentence structure. Establishing
dependencies or relationships between segmented or labeled constituents: it involves the reconstruction of the hierarchical structure of syntactic constituents or phrase marker, it is represented by syntax trees or by square brackets. Correspondence
search syntactic-semantic or syntactic correlation between paper (SN, SV, subject, object, etc..) And thematic roles (agent, patient, theme, etc.). Is the latest step of parsing, ie the transformation of the structural representation of the sentence in a propositional representation in terms of concepts. Representation
mental-propositional-type of sentence meaning: it refers to the construction of prayer is sometimes necessary to use information that is not explicit in her
input representation (sequence of lexical items) in structural units that determine the borders (border-unit clause language organized around a verb and a predicate, and border Phrase-constitutional language that represents the maximum projection of a core-) between the units and group words that belong to each unit. Assigning roles
structural (syntactic tags) is segmented linguistic constituents recognize the grammatical category of lexical items that constitute nuclei of phrase, in order to establish their identity (name in the SN, SV verb, etc. .) This allows us to identify the role of each constituent in the sentence structure. Establishing
dependencies or relationships between segmented or labeled constituents: it involves the reconstruction of the hierarchical structure of syntactic constituents or phrase marker, it is represented by syntax trees or by square brackets. Correspondence
search syntactic-semantic or syntactic correlation between paper (SN, SV, subject, object, etc..) And thematic roles (agent, patient, theme, etc.). Is the latest step of parsing, ie the transformation of the structural representation of the sentence in a propositional representation in terms of concepts. Representation
mental-propositional-type of sentence meaning: it refers to the construction of prayer is sometimes necessary to use information that is not explicit in her
Concepts and function of semantic inferences:
To understand the prayers and integrate them into the context of discourse is necessary to include representation the meaning of certain information not explicitly stated in them (inferences). Difficulties
To understand the prayers and integrate them into the context of discourse is necessary to include representation the meaning of certain information not explicitly stated in them (inferences). Difficulties
- Explain how and when processing has access to the implicit information that is part of the semantic representation of the statement.
- need to put a limit on the number of inferences to to avoid excessive inflation of claims that exceed the processing capabilities of the system.
refers to the set of cognitive routines that allow the language processor to first obtain a structural representation of the statement and then propositional. These action strategies operate under constraints of time, attention and memory, without being a true reflection of the rules of grammar.
Problems arising in this field:
Question to what extent these strategies is purely linguistic or, conversely, a general cognitive nature.
question of the relationship between syntactic and semantic processes in language comprehension.
Question to what extent these strategies is purely linguistic or, conversely, a general cognitive nature.
question of the relationship between syntactic and semantic processes in language comprehension.
formal orientation and functional orientation:
formalist-autonomous Guidance:
Conventional: structural analysis processes in language performance are a reflection of competition. Defined by autonomy. Also structural strategies. Hypothesis
segmentation clauses:
two postulates:
syntactic processor assigns the first available analysis, using structural strategies, regardless of the semantic features of the message. These strategies are:
Functionalist: structural analysis processes in language performance are caused by general properties of human perception and cognition. Defended by interactionists. Also non-structural strategies.
Conventional: structural analysis processes in language performance are a reflection of competition. Defined by autonomy. Also structural strategies. Hypothesis
segmentation clauses:
two postulates:
- Messages are segmented and organized in the listener's MCP clauses, ie linguistic units organized around a verb.
- each clause information is recorded in a linear fashion and at the end of it is made to parsing and semantic content is encoded in a more abstract and store it in the MLP.
- predicts that the analysis and interpretation of the clauses impose a computational overhead around the border and no provision for their reception. Is confirmed by a subsidiary task (detection of some phenomenon when listening to words.)
- predicts that the memory of the current clause has to be more faithful than that preserved her previous clauses. Confirmed in studies of immediate recall of sentences.
- assumption that the units in understanding perceptual segmentation are defined in purely structural. Question is: why the clause first encodes syntactic units (grammatical relations) and conceptual (thematic relations between arguments, etc.), Being difficult to distinguish between the two, and second, the segmentation process clauses of the text depends on other factors others, such as degree of cohesion, dependency structure / function between clauses, relative position of the subordinate and main clauses.
syntactic processor assigns the first available analysis, using structural strategies, regardless of the semantic features of the message. These strategies are:
- minimal attachment strategy: the processor must choose the less complex structure of all possible, ie that fewer nodes postulating syntactic potentially unnecessary. This strategy will opt for early closure of the clause.
- late closure strategy: requires the attachment of each new component to the syntactic unit that is being analyzed, that is, to the nearest of all possible. Produces effects opposite to those of minimal attachment, so often comes into conflict with the minimal attachment strategy. Also called the principle of partnership on the right. Linkage Strategies
- empty categories: consists in assigning syntactic constituents to trace displayed on the surface structure of the sentence as a result of the implementation of the transformational rule move. The displaced element must be linked or associated with the position occupied in the deep structure (and leaving a trace or empty category in the surface structure).
Functionalist: structural analysis processes in language performance are caused by general properties of human perception and cognition. Defended by interactionists. Also non-structural strategies.
continuous decoding Hypothesis (Marsen-Wilson)
processing takes place word by word. The receipt of each new lexical item kicks syntactic and semantic processes that operate in parallel and incrementally, ie, building step by step a propositional representation of the sentence. Details for:
must be understood as factors or variables that determine the use of strategies as strategies themselves. They insist that the semantic information present in the context of the sentence / speech is accessible to the syntactic processor, leading in advance the choice of analysis. These are variables that facilitate or block the choice of strategies that allow an adequate understanding of prayer:
weak version of the hypothesis of the clause.
processing takes place word by word. The receipt of each new lexical item kicks syntactic and semantic processes that operate in parallel and incrementally, ie, building step by step a propositional representation of the sentence. Details for:
- Follow-up studies in which embodied the influence of semantic and pragmatic information in the perception of prayer.
- shorter response latencies when the word was a proper continuation of the fragment when it was not.
must be understood as factors or variables that determine the use of strategies as strategies themselves. They insist that the semantic information present in the context of the sentence / speech is accessible to the syntactic processor, leading in advance the choice of analysis. These are variables that facilitate or block the choice of strategies that allow an adequate understanding of prayer:
- conceptual relations (lexical conceptual information): Sometimes you have to resort to non-syntactic information to properly interpret the sentence, and are the conceptual relationships between certain lexical items which facilitate or inhibit the use of either strategy. A verb can be induced to predict the arguments of a sentence, because the verbs carry with them a theme or plot structure. Although not known in advance to the thematic structure appropriate to a context, it seems that certain thematic preferences associated with each verb (perhaps for reasons of frequency of use)
- Information referential or pragmatic context: The information that the subject will receive throughout the text creates a scenario referential or pragmatic context that determines the interpretation of successive sentences and thus the implementation of parsing strategies.
weak version of the hypothesis of the clause.
postulates that sentence processing is a course where alternating discontinuous periods of increased computational load with other homes. Details for: Studies
- records eye movements. Tasks
- -paced reading.
approach of the controversy between interactive and autonomous position:
autonomous models used in structural strategies parsing, in view of the processing economy. By having a limited capacity processor, is seeking a compromise fast-effectiveness in decision making, for it uses automatic routines that work from syntactic information.
Interactive models insist that the semantic information present in prayer is equally accessible to the syntactic processor, leading to advance the election of non-structural analysis strategies that interact with the syntactic information in making decisions.
autonomous models used in structural strategies parsing, in view of the processing economy. By having a limited capacity processor, is seeking a compromise fast-effectiveness in decision making, for it uses automatic routines that work from syntactic information.
Interactive models insist that the semantic information present in prayer is equally accessible to the syntactic processor, leading to advance the election of non-structural analysis strategies that interact with the syntactic information in making decisions.
basic postulates, objectives, types of architecture and type of information: basic postulates
are inherited from the disappointment of the psycholinguistic theories by acting directly incorporating the rules of competition. However welcome the inclusion of linguistic knowledge in the processes of action, albeit with varying degrees of acquiescence and media.
seeks to explain the microarchitecture of system understanding, ie, are at a molecular level of explanation. However, each one deals with quite different theoretical problems principles and assumptions and using different and sometimes incompatible.
Architecture and type of information:
Artificial Intelligence Model Model | selfinteractionist model | ||
Computer Architecture / Classical Computational | / classic | Connectionist (parallel) | |
Information Type | structural Only | Structural, semantic and contextual | First structural, semantic and contextual then. |
Critical Reflections:
problem of indeterminacy of meaning affects
- classical architecture models derived from the discrete nature, diffuse or probability of some of the linguistic representations that are computed during language comprehension.
- This problem relates to the proliferation of lexical meanings, the difficulty of interpreting the semantic roles of sentence constituents and the variety of inferences can be made.
- The solution might be to increase the computing capacity of the system (the system multiplies the alternative interpretations of statements), or to restrict this ability (forcing the system to get an early commitment to a possible interpretation, discarding remaining). Problem
- connectionist architecture models componential nature, formal or otherwise combinatorial representations involved in language.
- This problem relates to the productivity and systematicity of language, which are explained by appealing to a knowledge of rules and principles abstract and formal elementary symbols are applied to generate other more complex symbols.
- The solution would be to replace the syntax for other substitutes that mimic the effects exerted by the application of rules for understanding the structure dependent on the interpretation of meaning.
- The classical view advocates a logical model of the mind, whereby the governing its operation are formal or structural properties of mental states.
- connectionist posture change represents a return to a more naturalistic conception of mind, that what determines its operation are the referential properties or content of mental states and not the structure of these states.
types of inferences:
integration processes: more basic operations include making use of explicit information reflected in the prayers, either phonological, lexical, syntactic or semantic. Its aim is to integrate different types of information present in prayer in a single representation in memory. Eg lexical access, parsing, interpretation of the sentence.
building or inferential processes, involving more than the mere selection and reorganization of the content of prayer. Involve include elements of information that are not explicitly present in the statements. Rebuilding the representation of meaning from both explicit information items (present) and implicit in the text.
integration processes: more basic operations include making use of explicit information reflected in the prayers, either phonological, lexical, syntactic or semantic. Its aim is to integrate different types of information present in prayer in a single representation in memory. Eg lexical access, parsing, interpretation of the sentence.
building or inferential processes, involving more than the mere selection and reorganization of the content of prayer. Involve include elements of information that are not explicitly present in the statements. Rebuilding the representation of meaning from both explicit information items (present) and implicit in the text.
integration processes versus processes of construction:
integrative and constructive processes of interpretation and memory of sentences are not separate phenomena. It is sometimes necessary to use information not explicit in prayer to integrate different parts that are seemingly unrelated. Sometimes, the inferences we make to understand the language determine how to integrate the information in the representation of meaning.
integrative and constructive processes of interpretation and memory of sentences are not separate phenomena. It is sometimes necessary to use information not explicit in prayer to integrate different parts that are seemingly unrelated. Sometimes, the inferences we make to understand the language determine how to integrate the information in the representation of meaning.
perceptual and cognitive inferences:
perceptual inferences, are automatic, mandatory, temporary investments. Processes are encapsulated (modular) that occur in early stages of stimulus processing (syntactic processing) so they are independent of extralinguistic variables. Inferences
cognitive, not derived automatically and immediately and are under cognitive control. Depend on strategies that make use of general knowledge (semantic and pragmatic) that operate in a controlled, slow and elaborate.
processes perceptual and cognitive inferences in comprehension tasks do not occur simultaneously, but that the perceptual cognitive follow. This hypothesis is tested by the phenomenon of linkage of the constituents of his background in prayer (interpretation of anaphora).
perceptual inferences, are automatic, mandatory, temporary investments. Processes are encapsulated (modular) that occur in early stages of stimulus processing (syntactic processing) so they are independent of extralinguistic variables. Inferences
cognitive, not derived automatically and immediately and are under cognitive control. Depend on strategies that make use of general knowledge (semantic and pragmatic) that operate in a controlled, slow and elaborate.
processes perceptual and cognitive inferences in comprehension tasks do not occur simultaneously, but that the perceptual cognitive follow. This hypothesis is tested by the phenomenon of linkage of the constituents of his background in prayer (interpretation of anaphora).
Resolution Process of anaphora:
Anaphora is an expression that has the same meaning as another that precedes (or follows) in the speech. Anaphora resolution is a coreference link between two or more expressions that share the same meaning: anaphora and its corresponding antecedent. Anaphora can be purchased either by identity meaning of reference (anaphora and antecedent refer to the same real world entity) or by identity content (anaphor and antecedent have the same meaning although they share the same reference, although relating to the same category of things do not concern the same object).
The linguistic units most common expressions are anaphoric pronouns, phrases or even full clauses.
The anaphora resolution process can be seen, in general terms, as a special case of process memory integrated into the various parts or elements of a speech in order to maintain the cohesion of it. The presence or absence of an explicit antecedent is an extremely important process of anaphora resolution: if the linguistic context does not provide a clear and unequivocal precedent that bind the anaphor, it is necessary to resort to extra-linguistic knowledge (cognitive inferences). If all the necessary elements resolving anaphora are present in the speech, the interpretation process may be directly and immediately (perceptual inference). Experimental results
studies perceptual and cognitive inferences raises two implications:
Anaphora is an expression that has the same meaning as another that precedes (or follows) in the speech. Anaphora resolution is a coreference link between two or more expressions that share the same meaning: anaphora and its corresponding antecedent. Anaphora can be purchased either by identity meaning of reference (anaphora and antecedent refer to the same real world entity) or by identity content (anaphor and antecedent have the same meaning although they share the same reference, although relating to the same category of things do not concern the same object).
The linguistic units most common expressions are anaphoric pronouns, phrases or even full clauses.
The anaphora resolution process can be seen, in general terms, as a special case of process memory integrated into the various parts or elements of a speech in order to maintain the cohesion of it. The presence or absence of an explicit antecedent is an extremely important process of anaphora resolution: if the linguistic context does not provide a clear and unequivocal precedent that bind the anaphor, it is necessary to resort to extra-linguistic knowledge (cognitive inferences). If all the necessary elements resolving anaphora are present in the speech, the interpretation process may be directly and immediately (perceptual inference). Experimental results
- When the antecedent is explicitly mentioned in the discourse, its activation occurs automatically and concurrent receipt of anaphora.
- cognitive inferences are not made strictly on the fly, but with a slight delay.
studies perceptual and cognitive inferences raises two implications:
- The interpretation of the meaning sentence is carried out by inference perceptual (encapsulated processes exploit only information present in prayer and occur concurrently receiving the message) and cognitive inferences (unencapsulated processes open to different types of information that occur with a slight delay on receiving the message.)
- encapsulated processes (perceptual inferences) produce representations of literal or direct meaning of the sentence, whereas nonencapsulated (cognitive inferences) result of representations made or indirect means.
- The listener constructs the literal or direct meaning of the utterance.
- The listener decides whether the literal meaning is appropriate to the semantic and pragmatic context.
- If the meaning is inappropriate to the context, meaning derives developed to fit those characteristics. So the literal meaning of the statement is always intermediate representation to which access is essential in order to derive its other meanings.
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