Joint Character processing components involved in the production of language: grammar and extragrammatical:
verbal production involves both grammatical operations (operations largely automatic reflecting properties and grammatical type constraints) and use of semantic information and pragmatic not strictly grammatical.
Concept interface between cognitive activity and linguistics: Some
knowledge structures and processes need to act as a link (or joints) between general cognitive activity (intention to communicate something, representations of the world, etc. ) and specifically linguistic operations.
knowledge structures and processes need to act as a link (or joints) between general cognitive activity (intention to communicate something, representations of the world, etc. ) and specifically linguistic operations.
The conversation as the primary and most genuine human linguistic activity, genetically determined:
The use of language is genetically related to the construction of communicative intentions that can only be made in social settings interactive. It is participating in talks, namely the production of coordinated series of exchanges of utterances by one or more partners in a given communicative situation.
The use of language is genetically related to the construction of communicative intentions that can only be made in social settings interactive. It is participating in talks, namely the production of coordinated series of exchanges of utterances by one or more partners in a given communicative situation.
communicative intentions: the processes of representation, planning and implementation Underlying
language production is an activity that the speaker presupposes the existence of an intention to communicate something to someone. The completion of this activity involves certain underlying processes: representation, planning and execution of intentional communicative messages.
language production is an activity that the speaker presupposes the existence of an intention to communicate something to someone. The completion of this activity involves certain underlying processes: representation, planning and execution of intentional communicative messages.
Principles pragmatic governing the coordination of emissions in the conversation:
Gray cooperation principle: "let your conversation when it occurs, is of the type required for the purpose of the communicative exchange in which it intervenes."
Grice's conversational maxims: quantity, quality, relevance and manner. Other complementary
maximum courtesy, morality, charity, reality, and reciprocity.
Gray cooperation principle: "let your conversation when it occurs, is of the type required for the purpose of the communicative exchange in which it intervenes."
Grice's conversational maxims: quantity, quality, relevance and manner. Other complementary
maximum courtesy, morality, charity, reality, and reciprocity.
conversational interaction as a paradigmatic case social interaction:
The study of communicative exchanges and their formal properties is seen as a paradigmatic case study of other forms of social activity. This has led to a unified theory of discourse and social interactions, based on the macro, these with common to both activities and realize as much of the regularities of cognitive processing.
Need a double competence: linguistic and pragmatic:
The communicative use of language can be seen as a form of behavior with at least two characteristics:
communication through language can be seen primarily as a form of complex activity, the planning and implementation of these projects under the restrictions of both internal to the subject (the functional organization language processing system) and external (the demands of communicative context and the conditions it imposes on linguistic behavior.
The communicative use of language can be seen as a form of behavior with at least two characteristics:
- The fact that it involves the development of statements language grammar, which is in the speaker linguistic competence.
- The fact that such statements tend to be acceptable contributions to the objectives of the exchange interaction or communication in which they occur, which presupposes a pragmatic competence.
communication through language can be seen primarily as a form of complex activity, the planning and implementation of these projects under the restrictions of both internal to the subject (the functional organization language processing system) and external (the demands of communicative context and the conditions it imposes on linguistic behavior.
Various conceptualizations of conversation and discourse: the object theoretical and empirical object as a form of representation:
As theoretical object: the speech coincides with the abstraction of general properties of a form of linguistic activity involving conducting series of speech acts in the same communicative context, by one or more speakers. It does not refer to the production of isolated individual statements.
empirical object: the speech refers to a set of specific speech acts take place in a context of space-time-communicative given and can be seen in that context.
As a form of representation: speaking is identified only with a form of activity, with a form of representation which the fellows build the global intentional propositional meaning of the messages that are issued in a given conversation.
As theoretical object: the speech coincides with the abstraction of general properties of a form of linguistic activity involving conducting series of speech acts in the same communicative context, by one or more speakers. It does not refer to the production of isolated individual statements.
empirical object: the speech refers to a set of specific speech acts take place in a context of space-time-communicative given and can be seen in that context.
As a form of representation: speaking is identified only with a form of activity, with a form of representation which the fellows build the global intentional propositional meaning of the messages that are issued in a given conversation.
implications entailed by the production of language considered as a form of interaction between individuals:
The linguistic realization of communicative intentions in conversational contexts often involves the planning and production of more than one speech act.
The linguistic realization of communicative intentions in conversational contexts often involves the planning and production of more than one speech act.
Various differential conceptualizations text and discourse:
As theoretical object, the text would be an abstraction referring to the interdependent conceptual, grammatical and functional between linguistic utterances produced during a speech. Expressed the construct that accounts for the fact that both monologues and dialogues have global properties that identify them as units in themselves.
empirical object: the text would be a structured and independent of linguistic statements that have been issued during a speech. It refers to a linguistic product which can be described in terms of formal structure, semantic content and pragmatic content.
As theoretical object, the text would be an abstraction referring to the interdependent conceptual, grammatical and functional between linguistic utterances produced during a speech. Expressed the construct that accounts for the fact that both monologues and dialogues have global properties that identify them as units in themselves.
empirical object: the text would be a structured and independent of linguistic statements that have been issued during a speech. It refers to a linguistic product which can be described in terms of formal structure, semantic content and pragmatic content.
speech production Definition:
is a set of representations (semantic, pragmatic and grammatical) and processes (cognitive and linguistic) that underlie the issue of planning and coordinated series of statements or written language communicative purposes in a conversational context.
is a set of representations (semantic, pragmatic and grammatical) and processes (cognitive and linguistic) that underlie the issue of planning and coordinated series of statements or written language communicative purposes in a conversational context.
Basic properties of the speech:
The fact that they are intentional behaviors that are performed in cooperative situations of social interaction, ie in the talks.
The fact that they are units of language in use, ie, speech acts that occur in physical, social and communicative, both specific and changing. That
are superordinate units that have structural and functional regularities whose description should be in a grammatical level of the text, grammatical sentence than the level that applies to the syntactic and semantic properties of individual language statements.
The fact that they are intentional behaviors that are performed in cooperative situations of social interaction, ie in the talks.
The fact that they are units of language in use, ie, speech acts that occur in physical, social and communicative, both specific and changing. That
are superordinate units that have structural and functional regularities whose description should be in a grammatical level of the text, grammatical sentence than the level that applies to the syntactic and semantic properties of individual language statements.
communicative intention Concept:
People usually speak for something, and what they say has an instrumental something about that claim. This is a trivial statement, everyday, perfectly accessible to introspection, but by no means easy to explain from a scientific theory.
People usually speak for something, and what they say has an instrumental something about that claim. This is a trivial statement, everyday, perfectly accessible to introspection, but by no means easy to explain from a scientific theory.
illocutionary force concept:
refers to the ability of language to express and convey, beyond the immediate content, beliefs, attitudes and expectations of the speaker to his interlocutor. This is a pragmatic component of speech acts.
refers to the ability of language to express and convey, beyond the immediate content, beliefs, attitudes and expectations of the speaker to his interlocutor. This is a pragmatic component of speech acts.
concept of speech act:
This coordinated series of utterances, such as assertions, requests, statements, etc.., Made by the subject with the intention of communicating with your partner.
This coordinated series of utterances, such as assertions, requests, statements, etc.., Made by the subject with the intention of communicating with your partner.
Speech acts. Psychological principles underlying them and forms of conceptualization and formalization in IA:
The main principle underlying psychological speech acts which he has tried to account for the IA is the illocutionary force or communicative intent. Thus, it is understood that speech acts express notions centered on the speaker, even if it fails to be a psychological explanation to report on the representations and mental processes that allow the realization of effective communicative speech acts.
The formalization of psychological principles making the AI \u200b\u200bis common in this paradigm, ie computational descriptions by computer programs.
The main principle underlying psychological speech acts which he has tried to account for the IA is the illocutionary force or communicative intent. Thus, it is understood that speech acts express notions centered on the speaker, even if it fails to be a psychological explanation to report on the representations and mental processes that allow the realization of effective communicative speech acts.
The formalization of psychological principles making the AI \u200b\u200bis common in this paradigm, ie computational descriptions by computer programs.
artificial intelligence as a scientific field that has developed the psychological characterization of the speech and by extension, speech acts, such as goal-oriented behavior:
From the perspective of AI, speech acts have been considered as goal-oriented behavior, ie, as instances of problem solving guided by objectives. This goal-directed behavior involves the construction plans by the intelligent system. The plans, in turn, are symbolic representations that pre-specified sequence of actions that the system must perform in order to achieve the goals or objectives.
From the perspective of AI, speech acts have been considered as goal-oriented behavior, ie, as instances of problem solving guided by objectives. This goal-directed behavior involves the construction plans by the intelligent system. The plans, in turn, are symbolic representations that pre-specified sequence of actions that the system must perform in order to achieve the goals or objectives.
processing components described in this area:
In the field of AI describes three kinds of components: speech acts, plans and actions.
In the field of AI describes three kinds of components: speech acts, plans and actions.
speech acts considered as components of a planning system. Involved in explaining aspects of the same computer, ie, speech acts based on plans. Nuclei and basic computational procedures:
basic computational kernels:
Concept of factual knowledge or declarative: it refers to the set of symbolic descriptions (propositional) pertaining to the state of the world or some of their domains. This is a complex knowledge, declaratory, which consists of three elements / components:
Concept of factual knowledge or declarative: it refers to the set of symbolic descriptions (propositional) pertaining to the state of the world or some of their domains. This is a complex knowledge, declaratory, which consists of three elements / components:
- general or encyclopedic knowledge.
- knowledge of the communicative situation in which the discourse takes place. Understanding
- world models that have partners. From a computational perspective, these models consist world, at least two components: firstly a schematic and general knowledge that everyone has on their partner by being a person and share with him certain characteristics; the other, knowledge, or more episodic or variable metarepresentations about knowledge, beliefs and desires of today's partners (which is called theory of mind), these metarepresentations is modified on the basis of communicative exchanges.
inference engine: allows to link operators and factual knowledge. It refers to a set of rules defined in the form of condition-action pairs similar to those described in production systems. The parameters that define and determine the actions are:
- The pre-conditions or conditions applicable to ensure that the action is given.
- The effects of the implementation of the action.
- The means by which the system execute.
- Guided Procedures goals: involve the definition of an initial target (overall objective) and the derivation, by inference, sub (sub-goals). In the case of speech, individual speech acts could be viewed as subgoals of a global speech act containing information relating to the initial speaker's communicative intent. Computational theory.
- review and planning procedure: failure in one sub-goal or subgoal decision to perform incompatible with the overall goal, forcing the system to review plan and plan a new sequence of actions. The activity in speech production is an activity that involves self-regulation based on the results of previous activities (feedback). Computational theory. Procedures
- alternative plans: the theories of speech acts based on plans define the capacity of speakers to develop alternative plans that may be appropriate to perform a certain communicative intention. Constituting a model of pragmatic competence. Theory of action.
Grice's conversational maxims:
These maxims are quantity, quality, relevance and manner, and based on the principle of cooperation: make your contribution to the conversation of the type required for the purpose of communication in which exchange involved.
These maxims are quantity, quality, relevance and manner, and based on the principle of cooperation: make your contribution to the conversation of the type required for the purpose of communication in which exchange involved.
Other top complementary
Courtesy: maintenance of self-image of both partners.
Moral: Do not ask the speaker to confidential information.
Charity: suppose that the speaker is not violating the maximum.
Fact: Talk about facts understandable.
Reciprocity act similarly to that seen in their partners.
Courtesy: maintenance of self-image of both partners.
Moral: Do not ask the speaker to confidential information.
Charity: suppose that the speaker is not violating the maximum.
Fact: Talk about facts understandable.
Reciprocity act similarly to that seen in their partners.
Meaning of deliberate violation of conversational maxims:
The deliberate violation of the maxims can be interpreted as a very powerful means of expression used by speakers to optimize the probability of success of speech acts in certain communication conditions, such as deception, irony, etc.
The deliberate violation of the maxims can be interpreted as a very powerful means of expression used by speakers to optimize the probability of success of speech acts in certain communication conditions, such as deception, irony, etc.
concept of mutual understanding or shared (common ground) and mutual belief (mutual Belief) as the regulatory principles of cooperative discourse and effective.
The concept of mutual understanding or shared concerns that speakers and listeners share some information and beliefs about the nature of communicative contributions and the conditions in which they may be acceptable for their current partners.
The concept of mutual belief referred to in the various turns of speech, each one assumes that the listener understands what the speaker intends to say, reinforcing the impression that there is a shared understanding by both. These beliefs, which are checking and securing in successive speech turns, change the initial expectations of speakers.
The concept of mutual understanding or shared concerns that speakers and listeners share some information and beliefs about the nature of communicative contributions and the conditions in which they may be acceptable for their current partners.
The concept of mutual belief referred to in the various turns of speech, each one assumes that the listener understands what the speaker intends to say, reinforcing the impression that there is a shared understanding by both. These beliefs, which are checking and securing in successive speech turns, change the initial expectations of speakers.
common knowledge sources: Co-
physical presence of participants in the communicative situation that allows for a common understanding of their perceptual experience. Co-presence
language, ie their joint involvement in a speech in which development and both have representation in each speaking turn modifies the common knowledge.
speaker and listener can be identified as members of a particular social group, whose knowledge allows the realization of certain inferences about what they actually know.
physical presence of participants in the communicative situation that allows for a common understanding of their perceptual experience. Co-presence
language, ie their joint involvement in a speech in which development and both have representation in each speaking turn modifies the common knowledge.
speaker and listener can be identified as members of a particular social group, whose knowledge allows the realization of certain inferences about what they actually know.
metarrepresentacional order Assumptions:
Common knowledge includes, therefore, information objectively shared by the two partners, but also and above all metarrepresentacional order presuppositions about the beliefs and mutual expectations that partners built around this common knowledge.
Common knowledge includes, therefore, information objectively shared by the two partners, but also and above all metarrepresentacional order presuppositions about the beliefs and mutual expectations that partners built around this common knowledge.
Empirical studies on the predictions of Grice's cooperative principle: the referential communication task.
The Grice's cooperation principle predicts that the instructions that speakers give their partners vary in content and in its structure in terms of differences in levels of common knowledge and based on the detection / resolution of them . The task
referential communication, two participants have two separate sets of identical objects, and are separated by an opaque screen. The speaker describes features of an object ahead of the other person to recognize it as a whole. Also gives instructions for the other person to perform actions according to a predefined plan. This task has confirmed the hypothesis, found that as the work progresses, the speakers make mutual adjustments to determine that in a few trials are adopted effective strategies description for each partner.
The Grice's cooperation principle predicts that the instructions that speakers give their partners vary in content and in its structure in terms of differences in levels of common knowledge and based on the detection / resolution of them . The task
referential communication, two participants have two separate sets of identical objects, and are separated by an opaque screen. The speaker describes features of an object ahead of the other person to recognize it as a whole. Also gives instructions for the other person to perform actions according to a predefined plan. This task has confirmed the hypothesis, found that as the work progresses, the speakers make mutual adjustments to determine that in a few trials are adopted effective strategies description for each partner.
deixis and PERSPECTIVE
The realization of speech implies, by the subject, an act of enunciation. That is, an act of linguistic self-presentation, as a subject that makes his action in time-space coordinates with a particular attitude. Information regarding such presentation is marked in the texts linguistically through deictic (indicators of person, space and time) and the modalities of enunciation that define and to identify the attitude of uncertainty, possibility, doubt, etc.. , that the speaker takes over his statement. The notion of deixis
expresses a function that connects the speech with its physical context and the common information of the speaker and listener. Allows the listener to identify people, objects and activities referred to implicitly in the discourse, since these references are placed in a spatial and temporal context that the speaker linguistically indicates which has information on the common.
Spatial Deixis:
indicates the physical location on the speaker. Are terms as here, there, etc. The meaning is established through a system of coordinates that relate the reference to a point of context (reference point), which remains implicit in the text.
When the point reference is the speaker himself, the three-dimensional coordinate system is composed of a vertical dimension (in relation to the force of gravity) and two horizontal dimensions (front / rear and right / left, which operate in mirror interactions face to face). The benchmark can also be combined external speaker or external reference point with the reference in itself.
indicates the physical location on the speaker. Are terms as here, there, etc. The meaning is established through a system of coordinates that relate the reference to a point of context (reference point), which remains implicit in the text.
When the point reference is the speaker himself, the three-dimensional coordinate system is composed of a vertical dimension (in relation to the force of gravity) and two horizontal dimensions (front / rear and right / left, which operate in mirror interactions face to face). The benchmark can also be combined external speaker or external reference point with the reference in itself.
temporary Deixis:
includes terms as before, after, etc. Partners tend to interpret the reference point or is the present moment relatum implementation of the act of speech. So, once again, this is an indicator whose axis is located in the speaker itself or the conditions under which it conducts its business discourse.
includes terms as before, after, etc. Partners tend to interpret the reference point or is the present moment relatum implementation of the act of speech. So, once again, this is an indicator whose axis is located in the speaker itself or the conditions under which it conducts its business discourse.
speech Deixis:
allows the connection of different parts of speech together. Connecting each speech act and every statement with the speech acts and statements previously issued in this discourse and the representations that they have built the speakers and their partners.
suggests that during the talks, the speakers made contributions at all times operate as contexts in turn for the planning and conduct of subsequent contributions and its contents or form (with-text language).
allows the connection of different parts of speech together. Connecting each speech act and every statement with the speech acts and statements previously issued in this discourse and the representations that they have built the speakers and their partners.
suggests that during the talks, the speakers made contributions at all times operate as contexts in turn for the planning and conduct of subsequent contributions and its contents or form (with-text language).
concept of cohesion and links cohesion:
explains the relationships that occur in the speech. It refers to a set of resources (links cohesion) for linking a sentence with others already presented in the text. This links are:
- specific morphosyntactic labels: eg, mechanisms of coordination, subordination grammar, etc.
- Mechanisms such as ellipsis, conjunction, reference and lexical repetition.
refers to the cohesion of the text is a property of the linguistic system and can only be understood from the possibilities offered virtually the linguistic system itself is an important expression of ideas. Detailed explanation in the text.
coherence. The plane of consistency:
Refers to textuality will not only be interpreted in terms of their grammatical or semantic relationships, but requires reference to the pragmatic conditions that make the different parts of speech among mutually relevant yes, within a context of intentional communicative and cooperative. Requires the use of a descriptive level more abstract and less linguistic than cohesion (coherence level).
Refers to textuality will not only be interpreted in terms of their grammatical or semantic relationships, but requires reference to the pragmatic conditions that make the different parts of speech among mutually relevant yes, within a context of intentional communicative and cooperative. Requires the use of a descriptive level more abstract and less linguistic than cohesion (coherence level).
types of consistency: local / global sequential:
local or sequential Consistency: refers to the local connection between ideas under a rule of repetition that links together all the individual propositions of the discourse share arguments. For example, the indices of cohesion, the sequences of speech acts and propositional relations.
global coherence: refers to the overall content or gist of the text, which is extracted through a process of purification, abstraction and elaboration of schemes over the world and outlines the internal organization, both the text itself.
local or sequential Consistency: refers to the local connection between ideas under a rule of repetition that links together all the individual propositions of the discourse share arguments. For example, the indices of cohesion, the sequences of speech acts and propositional relations.
global coherence: refers to the overall content or gist of the text, which is extracted through a process of purification, abstraction and elaboration of schemes over the world and outlines the internal organization, both the text itself.
The concept of adjacency pair and communicative exchange:
adjacent Par: ethnomethodologists proposed. Concerns that some interventions of the speakers seem to be contingent on the immediately preceding interventions and can be predicted largely from them.
communicative exchange: Replaces the concept of adjacency pair. They consist of a movement start (prospective and possible) and a response (retrospective, it makes predictions from a previous home movement, but may also have a home).
adjacent Par: ethnomethodologists proposed. Concerns that some interventions of the speakers seem to be contingent on the immediately preceding interventions and can be predicted largely from them.
communicative exchange: Replaces the concept of adjacency pair. They consist of a movement start (prospective and possible) and a response (retrospective, it makes predictions from a previous home movement, but may also have a home).
Concept topic or theme of the texts / discourses and their different definition in terms of different theories:
From a benchmark approach, the topics are interpreted as relatively abstract semantic units that are inferred from the fact that different statements concerning share similar speech, ie say something about a same objects, entities or activities.
From a propositional approach, topics are interpreted as too general and abstract propositions that contain the focus of the speaker or the common denominator for describing a situation or sequence of events as a whole.
From a benchmark approach, the topics are interpreted as relatively abstract semantic units that are inferred from the fact that different statements concerning share similar speech, ie say something about a same objects, entities or activities.
From a propositional approach, topics are interpreted as too general and abstract propositions that contain the focus of the speaker or the common denominator for describing a situation or sequence of events as a whole.
topics and macro-structure:
Topics units would be equivalent to the semantic macro-summaries of texts, which are derived inferentially, during production, intent or overall speech act. Thus, production of speech would be interpreted as a process that requires the speaker:
Refers to that speech will be more coherent if it is more interpretable and more interpretable as more content is related to prior knowledge and respect the maxims of Grice.
According to Sperber and Wilson, both for the listener to the speaker, processing speech appears to be governed by a principle relevant search involving the efficient implementation of operations inferential (deductive type) on the state of prior knowledge of the speaker.
Topics units would be equivalent to the semantic macro-summaries of texts, which are derived inferentially, during production, intent or overall speech act. Thus, production of speech would be interpreted as a process that requires the speaker:
- The definition of a global speech act (the definition of pragmatic content of the speech).
- The development of the macro-defining general semantic content of the speech act global, from what the speaker know, remember and interpret as relevant in context.
- construction from a hierarchy of macro-specific topics that will be the input for the planning of small units such as individual paragraphs or sentences.
Refers to that speech will be more coherent if it is more interpretable and more interpretable as more content is related to prior knowledge and respect the maxims of Grice.
According to Sperber and Wilson, both for the listener to the speaker, processing speech appears to be governed by a principle relevant search involving the efficient implementation of operations inferential (deductive type) on the state of prior knowledge of the speaker.
speech processes versus central processes in general, inferential and deductive :
According Sperver and Wilson, communicative activity is governed by criteria of knowledge economy. Thus, the speaker intends to produce the maximum relevance with minimum cognitive effort. The close dependence between the processes of speech production and other processes central cognitive (inferential nature and deductive). They stress that the activity is discursive and conversational character metarrepresentacional, which makes a sharp separation between production and comprehension.
Other aspects of consistency: the semantic macro and contributions after the speaker. The speaker's point of view versus textual format:
speakers' contributions to the discourse can be interpreted as functional units relevant to a topic or previous semantic macro, but these, to be essential to account for contextuality and local coherence of discourse, are inadequate to characterize of global consistency, especially when the texts are planned and executed by a single speaker, monologues and written texts.
From the viewpoint of the speaker, the superstructure determined hierarchically some initial planning decisions of speeches. For example the choice of the central themes of the speech units and the linear arrangement of the subtopics of the text. Also influence decisions during production which is then reflected in the surface organization of the text and some of their language marks.
speakers' contributions to the discourse can be interpreted as functional units relevant to a topic or previous semantic macro, but these, to be essential to account for contextuality and local coherence of discourse, are inadequate to characterize of global consistency, especially when the texts are planned and executed by a single speaker, monologues and written texts.
From the viewpoint of the speaker, the superstructure determined hierarchically some initial planning decisions of speeches. For example the choice of the central themes of the speech units and the linear arrangement of the subtopics of the text. Also influence decisions during production which is then reflected in the surface organization of the text and some of their language marks.
Subjects in their communicative exchanges made representations of people with whom they communicate (their mental states, intentions and knowledge), the situation where they develop these exchanges, the linguistic context or discourse , etc.
types of knowledge: declarative versus procedural:
factual or declarative knowledge: refers to the set of symbolic descriptions (propositional) pertaining to the state of the world or any of their domains. This is a complex knowledge, declaratory, which consists of three elements / components:
The identification of the types of knowledge is necessary but not sufficient for a cognitive explanation of discourse production. Thus, it is necessary to identify the processes using these representations and how involved in real time. These processes are:
Dialogue / monologue:
The communicative use of language can be seen as a form of conduct that involves, on one hand the language grammatical processing of sentences, which means, on the speaker, language proficiency, and another, such statements are an acceptable contribution to the objectives of communicative exchange that occurs, which is a pragmatic competence.
internal and external constraints to the subject:
communication through language can be seen primarily as a form of complex activity the planning and execution takes place under constraints, both internal to the subject (the functional organization of language processing system) and external (communicative context demands and conditions it imposes on linguistic behavior).
factual or declarative knowledge: refers to the set of symbolic descriptions (propositional) pertaining to the state of the world or any of their domains. This is a complex knowledge, declaratory, which consists of three elements / components:
- general or encyclopedic knowledge.
- knowledge of the communicative situation where you made the speech.
- Knowledge of world models of the speakers.
- The pre-conditions or conditions applicable to ensure that the action is given.
- The effects of the implementation of the action.
- means enabling the system to execute.
The identification of the types of knowledge is necessary but not sufficient for a cognitive explanation of discourse production. Thus, it is necessary to identify the processes using these representations and how involved in real time. These processes are:
- oral monologues production.
- production monologues or texts.
- face to face talks.
- telephone conversations.
Dialogue / monologue:
- According to Van Dijk
- the speech production process begins with the development of a general representation (macro-) containing information of global speech act or communicative intention and the main topic to be developed in the speech.
- in oral monologues, the speaker should plan the information content and the sequential organization of discourse (the problem of continuity, coherence and relevance), to establish internal control systems of discursive performance, producing his speech in a time sequence moving forward which implies a permanent and limited access messages in memory.
- The writing is a process subject to a greater degree of control by the speaker, the oral composition, as it has more time to organize and edit your messages. The text is physically present and accessible to the subject. The speaker has a single channel for speech (writing), making available not support prosodic or gestural, but in ways more sophisticated language.
- overall development phases of the writing process are: planning, objective and format text, Envisioning a relevant subject, defining the specific content and order, expression and sequential development of sentences of text in a coherent way local and global.
The communicative use of language can be seen as a form of conduct that involves, on one hand the language grammatical processing of sentences, which means, on the speaker, language proficiency, and another, such statements are an acceptable contribution to the objectives of communicative exchange that occurs, which is a pragmatic competence.
internal and external constraints to the subject:
communication through language can be seen primarily as a form of complex activity the planning and execution takes place under constraints, both internal to the subject (the functional organization of language processing system) and external (communicative context demands and conditions it imposes on linguistic behavior).
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