Types debate that characterized the language until the nineteenth century:
refers to the grammatical and philosophical reflections on whether the ideas of language support and understanding were innate or acquired by sensory experience, whether or not it is thought possible without the language, if language emerged in humans in response to a psychological need (communication) or sociological (collaboration), if the first words were derived or natural sounds, imitation, etc..
Explain if any of them are somehow existing in current psychology: According to Lounsbury
threads on these issues, which served the controversy between abnormal and analog, concealing a theological debate, that is natural or supernatural origin of language. From Humboldt
language is considered integral to the human species, revealing yet serves to support mental activity, and there as long as anyone can recreate it in each new act of speech.
threads on these issues, which served the controversy between abnormal and analog, concealing a theological debate, that is natural or supernatural origin of language. From Humboldt
language is considered integral to the human species, revealing yet serves to support mental activity, and there as long as anyone can recreate it in each new act of speech.
Contributions Von Humboldt, Wundt and Saussure. Why can say that these are the authors introduce a psychological perspective in the study of language? What do they contribute to the conceptualization of language and what is the vision or the same approach is replaced by a new one? Humboldt starts
modern scientific study of language and its relation to psychology:
Saussure said the idea that language should be considered a branch of general psychology, showing how the scientific study of language needed psychological contributions.
modern scientific study of language and its relation to psychology:
- By linguistic distinction (distinction between ergon enérgeia product and power), breaks the traditional interpretation assimilating language to a mere packaging, static and self-enclosed, with which to convey ideas and concepts. The term logos no longer seen as mere addition of words to become a component of human mental activity becomes a process. The language is not limited to specific productions, but is defined by the possibility of countless others.
- Language is a power inherent to the human species that supports mental activity, and exists as anyone can recreate it in every speech act. Humboldt psychologizing into his conceptualization of language, to question the possibility of delinking the study of other mental processes influenced the rise of modern linguistics and psychology. Wundt
Saussure said the idea that language should be considered a branch of general psychology, showing how the scientific study of language needed psychological contributions.
approach to the research program of the psychology of language:
- Interest in the subject. Nature
- procedures empirical validation of theories.
- nature of its object of study (language and linguistic activity) and its complexity scientific.
- The abandonment of the interpretations that identified language as a closed set of signs whose function would be the label of a pre-existing mental or physical reality. Vision language
- near a generating capacity or activity of both signs and ideas.
- From a psychological perspective, language is conceived as a phenomenon whose existence, nature and genesis is closely related to the organisms that possess (the humans).
- Language can be interpreted in psychological terms, as a power that emerges in, or who have certain types of organisms (human species) from certain of their biological properties and inner psychic.
- language under investigation is typical psychological, first because it is a phenomenon that is part repertoires of skills and natural behavior of some organisms (humans), and second because it makes possible the subjects that have particular forms of relationship and action with their environment or reality.
- 's interest in the psychological perspective to explain language as a human capacity is indirect support in experimental studies reveal a concern for the explanation of the macrogénesis (capacity of the species) and microgenesis (personnel) and an interest the functional relationship of language and linguistic behavior with other abilities and behaviors.
A psychology is not interested in language as a finished product itself or closed. Interested in that language is acquired, used, and is functional in subjects and bodies of different species and among them, and particularly so in the human species. The Psychology of Language
has committed and differentiated research content within the field of psychological research. These contents are divided into three cores:
- study the production and comprehension of language (in monologues and conversations and in different forms of language, and verbal / oral, no-verbal/no-oral, etc.).
- study of cognitive functions, communication, etc., played by language and serve to support their acquisition and use.
- The study of acquisition processes and deterioration of the functions and modalities of linguistic activity. That is, the language in developmental and pathological aspects. Nature
- Since the main objective of the Psychology of Language is to offer explanatory models of linguistic behavior, referring to an actual user, you need to have actual data from the users and verified empirically. Yet the characteristics and peculiarities of human language requires the design of experimental situations and establishment of specific parameters.
- The psychology of language identifies its primary objective to study the language and activity. Thus, unlike other disciplines are more focused on internal organization of language (which they anchor their validation criteria formal criteria strictly empirical), while establishing a branch of scientific psychology. Justify
As a branch of scientific psychology, psychology of language is an empirical discipline based on observation, measurement and verification of real language behavior of individuals, in order to develop general principles of explanation and identification of different linguistic forms.
Another important aspect of the psychology of language is the analysis of the approaches in relation to its subject matter and in relation to the empirical procedures and theories.
plans or levels of description of the psychology of language considered as alternative explanation of the activity human language: Plano
- physical or neurobiological, involves the analysis of the substrate material on which sits the language skills and linguistic activity, both in terms of macro (central and peripheral systems and developmental stages) and microstructure (neurons or groups of neurons). Plano
- behavior: interest directly observable actions that manifest the speakers' linguistic skills. These events require a theoretical and conceptual framework itself strictly psychological. The task of the psychologist would describe the response in terms of language topography, frequency / intensity, its antecedents and consequences. Plano
- intentional descriptions: the language can be interpreted as an instrument of representation of reality and interpersonal communication, referring to a reality different from yours and whose description is based on the use of psychological mental powers relating to ideas, beliefs, wishes or expectations of the subjects. Allows the description of both propositional or semantic content of the messages and the activities of language users. Moreover statements or utterances are not under external control both the circumstances of the control environment as it of intentional attitudes of individuals who produce or interpret. Plano
- computer descriptions: the linguistic activity is the result of applying a set of mental processes (rules or specific computer algorithms) on symbolic representations unobservable (mental language) that involve specific knowledge (language / grammar) and other more general.
There is no single psychological approach, theoretically homogeneous, the study language, nor a single way of doing psychology of language, rather there are so many psychology of language as modes of explanation have been developed in scientific psychology. Thus, the description of linguistic activity is done from different levels.
What is?
refers to the observation of linguistic behavior as it occurs in the presence of the researcher, and participate or not in the situation. When observation applies to oneself is called introspection.
What are the precautions to be taken into account in applying this methodology to the study of language and why?
influence on language performance of certain variables of the context requires methodological precautions to ensure the replicability of the observations.
Due to the existence of inter and intra-individual differences, control mechanisms are needed to ensure the representativeness of such language samples obtained in relation to the repertoire of the subject and its interpretation as an example of behavior is not accidental.
What are its limitations and its advantages over the experiment?
- to describe and classify the different forms of activity of the subjects and hypothetical relationships between variables. Allows
- narrow the range of linguistic behavior that can be performed by members of the human species under different conditions (evolutionary, diagnostic, etc.) And language functions and activities of the subjects.
- allows identification of regularities and the limits of language performance of individuals and species.
- not allow direct testing of causal hypotheses.
- data to describe and classify the different forms of activity of the subjects, relationships between variables associated to its realization, exploration and description of individual and group differences, but does not allow causal hypotheses.
- Systematic observation involves the selection, registration and coding target a set of behaviors of the organisms in order to achieve certain theoretical purposes.
Characteristics and phases:
The experimental methodology is characterized by the application of hypothetical-deductive method, with the first phase of development of hypotheses about those aspects of reality that constitute its object study, a phase of deduction in relation to the type of comments you expect to find, and a phase of checking the validity of their assumptions and deductions by experiment.
The experiment is an artificial and controlled situation where you manipulate the independent variable and observed its effects on the dependent variable, keeping other variables controlled foreign calls. If it is not possible to manipulate VI, then it is a study by selection.
Explain the four problems presented in relation to the study of language difficulty
develop hypotheses about the mechanisms and systems involved in linguistic behavior sufficiently to generate accurate empirical predictions.
difficulty in the interpretation and generalization of the results of statistical tests to other groups of subjects and materials other than those used in the experiments.
difficulty using the experimental methodology in the field of language production, compared to its ease of use in understanding processes. This asymmetry is negative at the time of elaborate theories of integration of linguistic activity. Difficulty
sufficient control of contextual conditions where the activity is linguistic.
Why was considered that the pilot study comprehension and production have a very different problem?
Refers to the requirement of control (elimination of extraneous variables, consistency of values, etc..) In the case of language is incompatible with the nature of the research object, especially as more molars are intentional aspects of behavior of interest to the researcher.
describe what this method, assessing what brings on experimental and observational methods:
While observational and experimental methods that allow data to develop scenarios come from living organisms in the simulation data is provided by a computer. It is equipped with a database of features and programs that solve tasks of language production and comprehension (simulation of human language.) It is based on the concept of mind-computer functional equivalence.
The simulation operates similarly to an experiment. Thus, handling and storage systems function programs, noting its effects on linguistic behavior produced by the computer.
The simulation has the advantage, in relation to observation and experimentation, that its goal is a form of intelligent activity such as language, involving the use of complex systems of knowledge to be reviewed and updated in line with external and internal variables.
Why in the last decades, often used for simulation?
The development of computational paradigm and technology of building computers.
The need to study more complex and contextualized forms of linguistic activity (production and comprehension consistent.)
- Plans neurobiological, behavioral, intentional and computational refer to classes of phenomena irreducible to one another, but must be seen as compatible with regard to the psychological explanation of linguistic activity.
- The preference for a level of description or another, and the inclusion / exclusion of components of the linguistic activity determines the theoretical approach to the scientific study of language. The integrated study of blueprints and components set the work of current cognitive psychology.

- components of knowledge bases indicate the core of cognitive psychologists interested in the study of knowledge representation and AI generally.
- components represent processing mechanisms explanations cognitive / mentalist language. Whether intentional language (meaning-focused) and the computer.
- neurobiological substrate components define the disciplinary field of cognitive neuropsychology of language. Compact neural mechanisms are linked to language functions to which is an innate character. Equipotential neural mechanisms are functionally linked to other domains more general (non-linguistic) of the subject's activity. The level
- of overt behavior would place the contributions of behaviorism.
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