Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lohri Invitation Cards Wording


basic duality that characterizes language:
The language is characterized by a basic duality. On one side is so natural and spontaneous in the first year of life and, secondly, it requires great control, complexity and difficulty to be handled in certain situations as learning a second language, mistakes made, etc.
Inaccuracy of any attempt to define the language: Any attempt
language definition is vague because of the multiplicity of perspectives of study, ambiguity or polysemy and blur their boundaries, their conception common.
variety and diversity of disciplines involved:
The study of language is a complex area of \u200b\u200binterest to both the psychology and biology, linguistics, philosophy, sociology, computer science, semiotics, medical sciences and others.
Need to arrange a series of features to analyze the specificity of language:
need to realize a number of features or to analyze the specific features of language, because of the broad definitions lead nowhere.

scientific conceptualization LANGUAGE: DIMENSIONS OF ANALYSIS

Some definitions of language. Similarities and differences between them:
The common conception of language has a great polysemy. There are also many formal definitions of language, but among them there are a number of regularities (from the scientific point of view) and language:
  1. be interpreted as a system composed of units (linguistic signs) whose internal organization can be subject of formal or structural description.
  2. possible acquisition and use the specific form of agency relationship means (social).
  3. is materialized in, and leads to forms specific behavior is interpreted as a behavior.
Basic dimensions that allow analysis of features or characteristics mentioned above:
The three dimensions or components of language definition are:
  1. formal or structural dimension: notice how the language system itself. Dimension
  2. functional realize what it is the language the user.
  3. behavioral dimension: notice how language is used.
formal dimension / structure of language:
The language is interpreted as a system of elements (signals, signs and symbols). A formal code of signs and formal requirements (rules) of combination of these signs. This approach allows the construction of three principles or properties of language: semantic descriptions
  1. : relationship between the signifier (physical perception of the subject) and their significance.
  2. syntactic conditions where the combinations of signs are acceptable. Descriptions
  3. pragmatic conditions where used combinations of signs. Concept
language faculty: body's ability to acquire and use a form (code) language skills in a mode. In humans, this possibility may be the result of cognitive or learning a skill can be seen as species-specific.
functional or communicative dimension of language:
Language development is functionally linked to activities such as communication and social interaction, emotional expression, knowledge of reality, voluntary behavior and rational thought. This dimension requires functional shift attention from the language itself to the user who knows and uses this language, so, this is seen as a symbolic mediator of interaction with our peers.
The language is interpreted as an instrument functionally linked to the spheres of activity of the subjects (emotional, social, cognitive), which relates to the issuer, either the receiver or with the appearance of reality to which it relates.
• behavioral dimension of language: The language
considered a type of behavior / activity / behavior that makes the body. Takes two primary modes of behavior (production and comprehension) that are combined during the conversation. These elementary procedures may be described from the drawings: Neurophysiological
  1. : identifying the physiological and neuroanatomical structures. Behavioral
  2. Identifies history consistent behavior. Cognitive
  3. Identifies internal representations and processes.
Research on language can be done from two perspectives.
  • psychological perspective (the one studied in the book). Assumptions:
    1. mechanisms of linguistic activity can not be reduced to neurophysiological descriptions.
    2. Interest in studying the expressive functions, cognitive and social difficulties that language serves as a support.
  • Comparative Perspective. Assumptions:
    1. different linguistic systems, resulting from cognitive, social and emotional structures require different and distinct functional systems. Although functionally
    2. all language can be assimilated to the scheme described by Bühler, specific modes of language performance may reflect differences between species.

Arbitrariness of units and structures:
refers to the independence between signs and referents, between grammatical principles rules regarding the cognitive and social functions played by the linguistic activity. Cultural transmission: each community culture has its own rules and grammar, each language is a special case of language to be learned by their speakers.
constitutive function of the object:
Every culture has its own signs and grammar, that enable a peculiar way to describe objects, events, facts of reality. This feature is accentuated in the hypothesis of linguistic determinism or cultural relativism of Sapir and Shorf.
common formal features:
basic units (sounds, words); rules (which can form sentences and texts), restrictions (regarding the order as the words form sentences) predictive or propositional structure. Universal grammar (Chomsky): certain formal properties of language are universal and specific traits define skills and potentials of the species. Features
linguistic signals:
The oral mode requires two channels (one vocal and one ear), which implies certain anatomical and functional requirements. Physical properties: refers to the parameters of amplitude, frequency, duration, etc., Of the acoustic signal.
internal structure:
There is a double articulation: the language consists of two types of units: phonemes (meaningless) and morphemes (meaningful). Morphemes are a combination of phonemes.
The discrete and continuous:
relevant units (phonemes, words, etc.) Admit a graph discontinuous or discrete, whereas oral transmission involves an acoustic signal of a continuing nature, the listener must be segmented into discrete units . In the graphical representation, these units are combined with rules relevant phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic, all contained in the grammars of each language.
hierarchical and componential organization of linguistic units:
organization fit other parameters messages, which have a continuous nature and suprasegmental, ie prosodic features of the voice for the volume, intonation, etc.


The arbitrary nature of signs, its double articulation and their productivity in verbal language allow a potential function that modulates the expressive, representational function and communicative function .
representational function Features: Scrolling
reference: verbal signs may refer to aspects of present reality, past or future whether real or imaginary. Ie do not need a physical reference to this at the moment.
second signal system: language operates with mental representations of reality, ie meanings that the abstraction of certain properties of objects and giving it a metarrepresentacional.
reference displacement and being a second set of signals transform the language into a general-purpose representational system. Language can be used to talk about himself (reflexivity) causing metalinguistic knowledge. Besides the possibility of analyzing their own behavior is the seed of self-reflexive consciousness.
Language not only represents reality, it also describes its properties and qualified to represent the same reality and constitutes an analytical system of representation.
Other features would be the ambiguity of language statements, connotations that modulate the meaning of words, transgression (reality distortion), inconsistencies in the information. Features
communicative function:
The verbal system is a biological or natural communication, specializing in the transmission of meaningful information that is relevant from the viewpoint of adaptive and behavioral.
Such information can take place both interpersonal and intrapersonal, serving as an important instrument of self-regulation of the activity.
declarative language function: the designation is a unique feature of human communication, which gives it its specificity compared to other communication systems.
Language is more than a simple transmission mechanism. Thus, in the Shannon and Weaver model of communication exchange is interpreted as situations where a sender encodes the message and a receiver decodes. Stressing the intentional nature of human linguistic activity and the interpretation of intended meaning and not just a reference.
Verbal language is a redundant communication system, where grammatical signals involving the repetition of the same communicative content within the message. This redundancy determines the easy language predictivity of the listener.


Special freedom in speech production.
linguistic behavior implies that no dependency relationships necessary for the stimuli, and that individuals can take their linguistic responses independently seeking emotional and cognitive components the message. For these reasons, the linguistic behavior is considered a prototypical case of intelligent behavior, intentional and purposeful, the realization presupposes the establishment of goals and objectives.
interchangeability of roles and feedback.
linguistic activity has the characteristics of interchangeability of roles between sender and receiver, and the need to complete the face feedback to continue the conversation.


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